" Jurnalul unui psiholog "( 2007-2025) este o viziune si o perspectiva originala asupra societatii romanesti generata initial de involutia unui domeniu profesional sensibil confiscat de instante straine naturii acestuia.
Elita discreta pro România
Este elita formata din acele personalitati de exceptie si independente fata de sistemul de aici , dar care cunosc si inteleg Romania si problemele ei , sau chiar cunosc limba romana , inteleg spiritualitatea romaneasca si in mod dezinteresat , onest si responsabil fac pentru Romania poate mai mult decat reprezentatii ei formali si elitele ei oficiale :
Principele Charles, Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Romania, Catherine Durandin , Dennis Deletant , Tom Gallagher, Dr. Peter Gross , Jean Lauxerois , Katherine Verdery,, Steven van Groningen, Leslie Hawke
joi, 19 august 2010
De la 22 la 2 %
Cu ceva timp in urma am urmarit pe Discovery o emisiune in care era prezentata „ Scara Raului ” a Dr. Michael Stone (Dr.Stone's scale of evil) despre cei mai malefici ucigasi in serie , care ii distribuie pe acestia pe un continuum de la 1 ( legitima aparare ) la 22 ( psihopati care ucid si tortureaza din placere ). Emisiunea nu poate fi uitata usor de catre nimeni si ma gandeam chiar ce documentar ar putea contrabalansa sentimentul apasator care ramane dupa aceasta emisiune.
De curand, o alta emisiune de pe Discovery mi-a adus in minte "Scara Raului" dar dintr-o alta perspectiva. O foarte interesanta cercetare a psihologilor si istoricilor englezi a demonstrat cu probe ca 98% dintre oameni sunt incapabili sa-si ucida semenii deoarece chiar si in situatii de razboi sunt activate instincte ancestrale de supravietuire a speciei care inhiba aceste comportamente. Numai 2 % isi pot ucide semenii dintre care 1% sunt psihopati propriu-zisi incapabili de empatie si sentimente omenesti si mai ramane un procent de 1% alcatuit de cei care, fara sa fie psihopati , o fac numai ca sa-si salveze semenii si numai in situatii extreme in care nu mai exista nici o iesire ( sunt pe cei care ii numim eroi ) .
Alte intrebari raman deschise pentru ca stiinta , din pacate , nu poate oferi raspunsuri la multe din lucrurile pe care le-au trait si le traiesc romanii.
Dr.Stone's scale of evil
Level 22
"Psychopathic, serial torture-murderers, with torture the primary motive."
Level 21
"Psyhcopaths preoccupied with torture in the extreme, but not known to have commited murder."
Level 20
"Torture murderers with torture as the primary motive but in psychopathic personalities."
Level 19
"Psychopaths driven to terrorism, subjugation, intimidation, and rape, but short of murder."
Level 18
"Torture murderers with murder the primary motive."
Level 17
"Sexually perverse serial murderers Torture-murderers. Murder is the primary motive, following prolonged torture(amoung the males rape is the primary motive with murder to hide the evidence. Systematic torture is not a primary factor".
Level 16
"Psychopaths committing multiple vicious acts."
Level 15
"Psychopathic or cold blooded spree killers mulitple murders."
Level 14
"Ruthlessly self-centered psychopathic schemers"
Level 13
"Murderers with inadequate, rageful personalities and psychopathic features ”.
Level 12
"Power-hungry psychopaths who kill when cornered."
Level 11
"Psychopathic killers of people in the way."
Level 10
"Killers of people who where in the way or killed for example witnesses.(egocentric but not distinctly psychopathic)"
Level 9
“Jealous lovers with marked psychopathic features”
Level 8
"Non psychopathic people with smoldering rage who kill when that rage is ignited."
Level 7
"Highly narrsasistic , but not distinctly psychopathic people."
with a psychotic core, who kill those close to them. Jealously is an underlying motive.
Level 6
"Impetuous hotheaded murderers without psychopatic features."
Level 5
"Traumatize, desperate people who kill abusive relatives and others.(like to support a drug habit)" but lack significant traits. Genuinely remorseful."
Level 4
“Highly narcissistic, but not distinctly psychopathic persons, with a psychotic core, who kill loved ones or family members out of jealousy”
Level 4
“Those who kill in self-defense, after extremely provocative behavior toward the victim”
Level 3
“Willing companions of killers: aberrant personality—probably impulse-ridden, with some antisocial traits”
Level 2.
“Jealous lovers who, though egocentric or immature, are not psychopathic; crime passional”
Level 1
"Those who kill in self defense and do not show psychopathic tendencies."
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