Elita discreta pro România


Este elita formata din acele personalitati de exceptie si independente fata de sistemul de aici , dar care cunosc si inteleg Romania si problemele ei , sau chiar cunosc limba romana , inteleg spiritualitatea romaneasca si in mod dezinteresat , onest si responsabil fac pentru Romania poate mai mult decat reprezentatii ei formali si elitele ei oficiale :

Principele Charles, Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Romania, Catherine Durandin , Dennis Deletant , Tom Gallagher, Dr. Peter Gross , Jean Lauxerois , Katherine Verdery,, Steven van Groningen, Leslie Hawke

luni, 1 august 2016

Focus on the social prestige . A solution to moral crisis of romanian society

O solutie posibila la actuala criza a societatii romanesti ar fi introducerea criteriului legitimitatii morale si evaluarea reputatiei si prestigiului social nu numai la nivelul politicienilor , ci si la nivelul personalitatilor culturale, liderilor sociali, activistilor civici ,etc. 
Pe aceasta grila a prestigiului social cu 7 dimensiuni ( Moral legitimacy ; Pragmatic legitimacy ; Cognitive legitimacy ; Emotional legitimacy ; Status ; Reputation ; Uniqueness ) niciun politician penal si nicio personalitate a societatii civile care  a incalcat codurile sociale si morale  nu poate obtine o nota de trecere. 
Mai mult decat atat, acele personalitati care respecta codurile sociale , culturale, deontologice si morale obtin note maxime pe aceasta grila ( Elita ascunsă a României ) .

The social prestige

·  Moral legitimacy( the degree to which citizens consider political and civic leaders as moral and contributing to the common good). 

·  Pragmatic legitimacy( the degree to which citizens are interested in  political and civic leaders and consider  political and civic leaders activity as beneficial for themselves).

·  Cognitive legitimacy( the degree to which citizens consider the presence of political and civic leaders as normal and taken-for-granted). 

·  Emotional legitimacy( how citizens feel about  political and civic leaders). 

·  Status( the degree to which citizens define  political and civic leaders as a powerful and highly ranked group). 

·  Reputation( the degree to which citizens associate  political and civic leaders with a positive image). 

·  Uniqueness( the degree to which citizens think  political and civic leaders are special).

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