Elita discreta pro România


Este elita formata din acele personalitati de exceptie si independente fata de sistemul de aici , dar care cunosc si inteleg Romania si problemele ei , sau chiar cunosc limba romana , inteleg spiritualitatea romaneasca si in mod dezinteresat , onest si responsabil fac pentru Romania poate mai mult decat reprezentatii ei formali si elitele ei oficiale :

Principele Charles, Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Romania, Catherine Durandin , Dennis Deletant , Tom Gallagher, Dr. Peter Gross , Jean Lauxerois , Katherine Verdery,, Steven van Groningen, Leslie Hawke

miercuri, 7 octombrie 2020

Global leaders in innovation 2019. Capitalismul a castigat din nou

" Now in its 12th edition, the GII is a global benchmark that helps policy makers better understand how to stimulate and measure innovative activity, a main driver of economic and social development.

The GII 2019 ranks 129 economies based on 80 indicators, from traditional measurements like research and development investments and international patent and trademark applications to newer indicators including mobile-phone app creation and high-tech exports.

The GII 2019 also looks at the economic context: Despite signs of slowing economic growth, innovation continues to blossom, particularly in Asia, but pressures are looming from trade disruptions and protectionism. Sound government planning for innovation is critical for success, the report shows."



Sursa : https://fintechnews.ch/fintech/global-innovation-index-switzerland-most-innovative/29448/

That`s life  ! 

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