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Sallam (director and writter-s.n.) claims that the story is based on a young female Palestinian refugee that escaped to Syria in 1948. The Amman-based director led the production in collaboration with supporting bodies from Sweden and Saudi Arabia.
Critics across the board have railed against the blunt antagonization of the Israeli side in the particular scene, and in the film altogether, claiming that it subjectifies an extremely controversial topic.
"Farha turns into the Arab Anne Frank, where the threat comes from Israeli soldiers instead of Nazis," said film critic Fredrik Sahlin.
When asked about the comparison to the Nazi-era, Sallam replied that she "hadn't thought of it that way" when she created the movie, but that she understands why people correlate between the two, and that her character "undergoes a similar horrible journey."
Atacul Ucrainei de catre Rusia lui Putin si atacul Israelului de catre Hamas sunt doua atrocitati care au ingrozit omenirea aruncand in aer dreptul international si echilibrul fragil deja al comunitatii globale.
Prima miscare a lui Putin inainte sa atace Ucraina a fost sa-i eticheteze pe ucrainieni drept nazisti ( desi tara este condusa un evreu ) ca sa aiba pretextul pentru invadarea acestei tari si sa inceapa vanatoarea de civili si obiective civile.
Hamas nu a mai avut nevoie de pretexte. A atacat direct Israelul masacrand civilii israelieni si straini fara discriminare lasand justificarea genocidului in seama altora.
Din nefericire si de neinteles din punct de vedere moral Hamas are sustinatori exact acolo unde nu s-ar fi asteptat nimeni, respectiv in inima Occidentului.
Studentii unor universitati de top din USA devin antisemiti si sustinatori ai antisemitismului si genocidului israelian cu acordul si binecuvantarea conducatorilor lor :
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https://thehill-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/thehill.com/homenews/education/4348656-upenn-loses-100-million-dollar-donation-after-antisemitism-hearing/amp/ |
Intrebare retorica. Poate fi ceva mai rau decat otravirea mintii unor studenti din Occident ?
" If Farha's equivalent is Anne Frank, then according to the film, IDF soldiers are equivalent to Nazis. And if there is someone for whom this parallel is not clear enough, Salam inserts in the middle of the film the scene in question in which Israeli soldiers capture a family of fleeing Palestinian refugees, abusing them in her friends and in the end they are executed. A father, a mother who has just given birth, and two daughters - all are murdered in cold blood by the soldiers on the orders of their sadistic commander, a few moments after he threatens to open the mother's stomach to check if there is a fetus inside and what its gender is. The baby himself is left to die, after one of the soldiers receives an order to end his life, but "without wasting a bullet". The helpless Farha listens to the cries of the baby who is left lying on the ground in the hot sun. Heartbreaking crying, which lasted about a minute. Then silence. Confirmation of death.
So what is so different about "Farha"? The film presents the IDF soldiers as bloodthirsty monsters who amuse themselves with the death of helpless innocents. In Salem's film the Israelis kill Just. For no reason. They're doing it for fun.
Such events never occurred. The film is a total lie. It is a dangerous blood libel and incitement against the IDF that will lead to more antisemitism."
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