Gradul de civilizatie al unei societati se masoara dupa nivelul de educatie al cetatenilor ei si in egala masura dupa atitudinile, valorile si comportamentul reprezentantilor unor profesii umaniste .
Cazurile punctuale de mai jos semnalate de presa , fara a putea fi generalizate, sunt un semnal de alarma asupra codurilor deontologice si morale ale acestor profesii , comportamentele semnalate fiind total incompatibile cu aceste coduri :
Managerul unui Spital de Psihiatrie injura o asistenta medicala :
Un chirurg ortoped injura un medic rezident :
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State-by-State Breakdown
State | Policy | Law | Does This Policy Apply to Police? | Does This Policy Only Apply to Financial Crimes? |
Alabama | Members of the teachers, public employees, and judicial retirement plans would forfeit their right to retirement benefits if convicted of certain felony offenses related to their public position. Members would instead receive a refund of their retirement contributions. | Forfeiture | Yes | Yes |
Alaska | A public officer who is convicted of a federal or state felony, bribery, receiving a bribe, perjury, subornation of perjury, scheme to defraud, fraud, mail fraud, misuse of funds, corruption, or evasion may not receive a state pension benefit if the offense was in connection with the person's duties. Members would instead receive a refund of their contributions. Members who forfeit their pension are unable to accrue future service credit in any state-pension covered position. | Forfeiture | Yes | Yes |
Arizona | No policy | None | - | - |
Arkansas | A beneficiary of the retirement system will have their benefit forfeited if they murder an active member of a public retirement system. For the purposes of this study, AR will be listed as not having a policy. | None | - | - |
California | Any elected official or employee who is convicted for bribery, embezzlement, extortion, perjury, or conspiracy to commit those crimes in the course of their service will have their pension forfeited. Members would instead receive a refund of their contributions, minus the accrued interest on those contributions. | Forfeiture | Yes | Yes |
Colorado | Pension benefits may be garnished for restitution for the theft, embezzlement, misappropriation, or wrongful conversion of public property, or in the event of a judgment for a willful and intentional violation of fiduciary duties to a public pension plan where the offender or a related party received direct financial gain. | Garnishment | Yes | Yes |
Connecticut | Pension benefits may be forfeited or garnished by court order for convictions of embezzlement, theft, bribery, or felonies committed through misuse of a government office or job. | Forfeiture and Garnishment | Yes | Yes |
Delaware | A beneficiary of the retirement system will have their benefit forfeited if they murder an active member of a public retirement system. For the purposes of this study, DE will be listed as not having a policy. | None | - | - |
District of Columbia | No policy | None | - | - |
Florida | Members forfeit their pension benefits if they are convicted of committing felonies related to misuse of public office, crimes where the victim was under 16 years of age, sexual battery when the victim is under 18 years of age, or use/misuse of power, rights, privileges, duties as it relates to their public position. | Forfeiture | Yes | Yes |
Georgia | Public employees who are convicted of committing crimes related to their employment will forfeit any benefit after the date of conviction. | Forfeiture | Yes | Yes |
Hawaii | No policy. | None | - | - |
Idaho | No policy. | None | - | - |
Illinois | Pension benefits are forfeited for members who are convicted of a felony relating to their service as an employee. The member is entitled to a refund of their contributions. | Forfeiture | Yes | No |
Indiana | Pension benefits may be garnished upon conviction of a misdemeanor or felony relating to an offense which causes their employer financial loss. Member forfeits any future benefit. | Forfeiture and Garnishment | Yes | Yes |
Iowa | No policy. | None | - | - |
Kansas | No policy. | None | - | - |
Kentucky | Members who are convicted of a felony that is related to their public service shall forfeit all retirement benefits. Members are entitled to a refund of their contributions, plus interest. | Forfeiture | Yes | No |
Louisiana | Pension benefits may be garnished if a public employee or elected official is convicted of misconduct detrimental to their position. | Garnishment | Yes | Yes |
Maine | Members who are convicted of a crime relating to their employment may have their pension benefits forfeited by court order. In addition, any dollars in the members pension account is available to pay for any court-ordered restitution for economic loss to the State or local government due to the members crime. | Forfeiture and Garnishment | Yes | No |
Maryland | Public employees who are convicted of a felony arising out of the misuse of their position forfeit their retirement benefits. | Forfeiture | Yes | No |
Massachusetts | Members who are convicted of a crime related to their duties as a public employee forfeit their pension benefits. In certain cases, that members contributions may be garnished to pay restitution to the state or employer. | Forfeiture and Garnishment | Yes | No |
Michigan | A member who is convicted of certain felonies relating to their public service may have their rights to a pension benefit forfeited, along with the forfeiture of their contributions into the system. | Forfeiture | Yes | Yes |
Minnesota | No policy. | None | - | - |
Mississippi | No policy. | None | - | - |
Missouri | A member of any state or local public retirement system will forfeit their right to pension benefits if convicted of a felony in 'direct relation' to the employee's duties. The member is entitled to a refund of their contributions, plus interest. | Forfeiture | Yes | No |
Montana | Pension benefits may be partially or fully forfeited if a member causes the death or disability to a member of any state-covered retirement plan. For the purposes of this study, MT will be listed as not having a policy. | None | - | - |
Nebraska | No policy. | None | - | - |
Nevada | Public employees hired after 2015, and convicted of a felony, forfeit their rights to a retirement benefit. | Forfeiture | Yes | Yes |
New Hampshire | No policy. | None | - | - |
New Jersey | Any state or local board-administered retirement system can cause the forfeiture of retirement benefits for members who are convicted of misconduct. Members who are convicted of sexual offenses relating to their service face mandatory forfeiture. | Forfeiture | Yes | No |
New Mexico | Elected and appointed officials are subject to garnishment up to an amount of their entire salary and pension benefit if they are convicted on felony corruption charges. | Garnishment | No | Yes |
New York | For any felonious crime committed after 2017, an elected or appointed official may have their pension benefits forfeited. | Forfeiture | No | No |
North Carolina | Any elected official who is convicted on state or federal corruption charges shall forfeit their retirement benefits. | Forfeiture | No | Yes |
North Dakota | No policy. | None | - | - |
Ohio | A member of one of the state retirement plans will forfeit their retirement benefit is convicted of bribery, theft, or engaging in a pattern if corrupt activity. | Forfeiture | Yes | No |
Oklahoma | State and county employees who are convicted of a state or federal felony forfeit any future accrued retirement benefits and are subject to a return of their contributions or a reduced pension benefit. | Forfeiture | Yes | No |
Oregon | No policy. | None | - | - |
Pennsylvania | Any public employee who commits theft, bribery, forgery, perjury, or is convicted of a felony relating to their position will forfeit their right to a pension benefit. The employee will have their contributions reimbursed. In addition, those reimbursed contributions may be used to fines or to make restitution for the victims of any of those crimes. | Forfeiture and Garnishment | Yes | No |
Rhode Island | Any retirement or OPEB benefit earned by a public employee will be reduced or forfeited if that employee is convicted to any crime related to their position. | Forfeiture | Yes | Yes |
South Carolina | No policy. | None | - | - |
South Dakota | No policy. | None | - | - |
Tennessee | Any employee hired after 1981 and covered under a state retirement plan will forfeit their pension benefit if convicted of a felony in the state court of malfeasance. | Forfeiture | Yes | No |
Texas | Elected officials in the public employee retirement system will forfeit their pension benefits if convicted of felonious corruption or abuse of office. | Forfeiture | No | No |
Utah | Public employees convicted of a felony related to the performance of their position shall forfeit their retirement benefit. | Forfeiture | Yes | No |
Vermont | Public officials will have their full or partial pension benefit revoked if convicted of crimes related to their employment. | Forfeiture | No | Yes |
Virginia | No pension benefit may be paid to a public employee who was terminated because of dishonesty or malfeasance. | Forfeiture | Yes | No |
Washington | No policy. | None | - | - |
West Virginia | No policy. | None | - | - |
Wisconsin | No policy. | None | - | - |
Wyoming | No policy. | None | - | - |
In sfarsit , nimeni nu explica de ce la noi au aparut pensiile speciale si de ce nu pot dispare .
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