Rupert Wolfe Murray - Romania’s Monty Python Institutions
„The ruling class in Romania, and in many other former Communist countries, seem to regard the common people as an ignorant herd that need to be treated like cattle – and kept out of the public institutions – and public policy is made accordingly.”
„ One of the many bizarre facts about this poor Balkan country is that it has some of the most fabulous embassies on the planet: in London it has a Victorian town house opposite Prince Charles’ residence; in New York they own a whole block in downtown Manhattan and in Rome they have a couple of grand palaces. Most of these splendid residences serve no purpose beyond providing accommodation for retired Romanian diplomats and their extended families.”
„Communicating with public institutions is incredibly complex and their websites are often incomprehensible. You can see evidence of this every day on the streets of Bucharest where cars are allowed to park all over the pavements, obliging young mothers and old people, and everyone else, to walk onto the main road in order to pass. In other words, cars have more rights than people.”
„The other saving grace about this country is that the people are incredibly friendly, despite their horrible government.”
„It’s really interesting to think about Romania’s modern bureaucracyas being inherited from the Communists, which in turn was inherited from the fascists and royalists and they in turn adopted/adapted the bureaucracy of the Ottoman Empire. I am also a critic of western bureaucracy which also has an unacceptable side to it and in the case of the UK inherited a cruel and exploitative (but always efficient) bureaucracy from colonial times”
Rupert Wolfe Murray
In acest caz , este omisa piesa de rezistenta a birocratiei comuniste de la noi de tip lagar de concentrare care vine de la sistemul criminal K.G.B. :
„DIRECTIVELE NKVD din 1947 pentru ţările din orbita sovietică”
( Moscova 2-6-1947 (Strict secret) K-AA/CC113, indicaţia NK/003/47)
Source :
Christopher M. Andrew and Oleg Gordievsky
KGB: The Inside Story of Its Foreign Operations from Lenin to Gorbachev Hardcover – October 12, 1990
Desigur ca „The Times”nu ar fi publicat niciodata articolul scris in romana ( si nimeni nu l-ar fi condamnat ! ) si i-ar fi cerut imediat ziaristului sa-l traduca in limba engleza pentru ca dupa o regula minima de respect ziarul nu-si poate obliga cititorii sa invete romaneste ca sa citeasca un articol publicat in cadrul lui, dar la noi stim demult ca actioneaza in mod simultan o logica inversa si un complex de inferioritate.
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