Draft treaty establishing a constitution for Europe (not ratified). Group photo. Rome, October 2004 Various Members of the House of Lords as of 2013 |
The Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe was adopted by the European Council on 18 June 2004, and signed in Rome later that year in the presence of the EP President, Josep Borrell Fontelles. Approved by the EP (Méndez de Vigo-Leinen report), the Treaty was then rejected by France (29 May 2005) and the Netherlands (1 June 2005) in their national referenda.Following the rejection of the Constitutional Treaty Member States began work on the Lisbon Treaty.
- Signed in: Rome (Italy) 29 October 2004
- Entry into force: Not ratified by all 27 Member States
DRAWING INSPIRATION from the cultural, religious and humanist inheritance of Europe, from which have developed the universal values of the inviolable and inalienable rights of the human person, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law,
BELIEVING that Europe, reunited after bitter experiences, intends to continue along the path of civilisation, progress and prosperity, for the good of all its inhabitants, including the weakest and most deprived; that it wishes to remain a continent open to culture, learning and social progress; and that it wishes to deepen the democratic and transparent nature of its public life, and to strive for peace, justice and solidarity throughout the world,
CONVINCED that, while remaining proud of their own national identities and history, the peoples of Europe are determined to transcend their former divisions and, united ever more closely, to forge a common destiny,
CONVINCED that, thus ‘United in diversity’, Europe offers them the best chance of pursuing, with due regard for the rights of each individual and in awareness of their responsibilities towards future generations and the Earth, the great venture which makes of it a special area of human hope,
DETERMINED to continue the work accomplished within the framework of the Treaties establishing the European Communities and the Treaty on European Union, by ensuring the continuity of the Community acquis,
GRATEFUL to the members of the European Convention for having prepared the draft of this Constitution on behalf of the citizens and States of Europe.
Marile omisiuni ale Constitutiei europene respectiv Tratatul de instituire a unei Constituții pentru Europa (TCE) sunt necondamnarea comunismului si neglijarea radacinilor crestine ale Europei . Acestea au generat si cele mai mari probleme pentru ca au facut posibile in numai doua decenii ascensiunea incredibila a Rusiei lui Putin respectiv enclavizarea si islamizarea Europei si punerea sub semnul intrebarii a normelor statului de drept .
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