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Surorile Osoianu |
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Andrei Luca3 years ago
melodia aminteste de niste vremuri cand dragostea era pura, nobila si frumoasa nu animalica si plina de erotism, animalica si fara nimic sensibil in ea. Daca va uitati la imaginile postate pe cursul melodiei femeile erau frumos invesmantate iar intimitatea era ceva sacru,acoperit si de neatins,neintinat iar pe cel ce profita de aceasta sfanta intimitate iubind-o si apoi parasind-o era asemenea unei profanari.De aici sentimentul acesta al tragismului plus rana sufletului celui parasit care pare de nevindecat.Totusi badea trimite o scrisoare cerandu-si voie de la mandra sa se insoare cu alta simtindu-se cumva vinovat de parasirea iubitei lucru ce nu-l scapa de blestemul pacatului de a fi iubit si apoi sa paraseasca ce a iubit.
nehliudov1 year ago
Mult prea rar dau peste un astfel de comentariu. Iti multumesc ca m-ai ajutat sa-mi articulez si sa-mi inteleg mai bine emotiile.
ciupenhauer2 years ago (edited)
voi realizati ca toata melodia asta e de fapt o pictura? ea stand in drum plangand, norii curg deasupra poate cu zilele, pentru ea momentul e inafara timpului. tristetea nu are timp. ea ramane suspendata si singurul reper e norul. si norul vesnic trece.. cat de putine cuvinte in versuri pentru o imagine atat de puternica..
Dusan Kojic7 years ago
Great song. Regards from SERBIA!!!
There´s something miraculous about Romanian culture, the way of the storytelling captivating in a fragile yet dignified spirit is something all human beings need to sense in their consciousness.
It is one of the frustrations of humanity that you don't know what you have until it's gone. Romania and Romanians are slowly losing their culture, heritage, customs, and traditions in exchange for more "modern" things that have no lasting value. Yes, life is tough for a lot of people and they might want to leave for a better place or "evolve" into a more Western mindset. But don't think for one second Romania is all that bad and backwards compared to any other nation. Learn to cherish your rich culture and traditions and keep them from dying. I love this song and the many more like it, they touch the heart and speak to the soul.
Mihai Maita3 years ago
atunci cand barbatii iubeau femeile si femeile respectau barbatii
I would like to know who owns the right of this track. I would like to use it in a film. Who to contact?
Blaikias1 year ago
Thank you for your interest in the Romanian culture! Regarding the copyrights, you should contact Surorile Osoianu ('The Osoianu Sisters'). You can message them on their Facebook page where you will also find their manager's phone number in the description. https://www.facebook.com/pg/SurorileOsoianu/about/?ref=page_internal Also, may I know the name of the film you are working on? I think I'd be interested in watching it :) Good luck! Looking forward to hearing from you soon!Read more
I have to say... I hear this song for the first time, but it is very reminiscent of the Hungarian "Gloomy Sunday". So reminiscent actually, I could easily believe it could have been an inspiration.
Endeavour Deandre2 years ago (edited)
From what i know, this is a traditional song (it doesn't even have a known author) and it's from Basarabia area (a little far from Hungary, it's not in the Transilvanya region) Also, the subject of this song it's completely different from the Gloomy Sunday (which i understand it's about suicide) But, I'm not a specialist in these things, so it could be either way ...Show less
oq po1 year ago
marino deželak Of course a hungarian has to come and claim everything ... please just mind your traditions and leave us alone.
So i'm a Turk and my grandparents were born in Constanta, migrated back to Turkey in 1930's. My grandma was always singing this to me when i was a little kid. I asked her the meaning of the song and she told me she can't remember since she had Alzheimer's Syndrome. She died in 2013 and several years later, i met a Romanian girl and one day she sent me this song. I cried out loud several hours when i realize this is that song. And each time i miss her, i came here and listen to this, close my eyes and imagine she's singing this to me. Multumesc.
Nagy Jeno10 months agooneoctavelow1 year ago (edited)
romanian magics! i'm half romanian and half hungarian born in Romania, never percepted like a real romanian. I left Romania 30 years ago to live in many foreign countrys and finally discover trough culture, that i feel and i'm romanian in my deep soul! very nice country, rich history and universal culture. You: turk; me : hungarian; we have romanians feellings just by listening that song...and even if they say that we are not romanians... we feel like!!!
Andreea Pozderie9 months ago
This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read on youtube comments. Please let us know how your internship will go in Constanta. I can imagine this trip is already charged with so many emotions. Wish you all the best.
I get goose bumps whenever I listen to this song. It is so hauntingly pure, so spellbinding ...so innocent... Surely it must come from a Romanian child's heart
Ștefania Ghișa1 year ago (edited)
Sentimentele stârnite sunt inexprimabile . Niște versuri atât de simple, dar purtătoare de un mesaj profund și atemporal...
A. W 1 year ago
magnifique !!! j'en ai la chair de poule
David Kroepfli8 months ago
oui c'est trop beau!
Mama omida11 months ago
ce frumos folclor avem si ascultam ca prostii manele :)
Gül She10 months ago
I can't take myself listening to this song.. I don't understand the lyrics but it aches my heart . so mystical
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