Privind desenul de mai jos, oricine cred ca poate intelege imensitatea efortului depus la nivel global pentru controlul haosului social si economic care are consecinte atat de negative la nivelul tarilor afectate .
Cum dupa mai mult de doua decenii, la noi se mentine inca acest haos politic si social generalizat in care nu mai stie stanga ce face dreapta si invers, singura explicatie rationala este ca acest haos este ori mentinut in mod expres , ori generat in mod constient.
Dupa inca doua decenii de acum inainte vom afla in mod cert si raspunsul la aceasta intrebare captivanta .
Pana atunci , privind ilustratia de mai jos, putem estima fiecare dintre noi si in mod intuitiv cam cum ar putea arata acest model daca ar fi generat si aplicat in cazul particular al societatii noastre .
Climate Diplomacy
DiploFoundation Climate Change
"At the time of the Copenhagen Climate Summit in 2009 we were thinking about ways to illustrate the complexity of climate change. We tried to include the negotiation context, but also pay tribute to the social, economic, scientific, biological and human dimension of it( s.n.). All together we thought of the climate architecture as a building under construction. Each of the factors that have to be taken into account when wanting to understand climate change being one of the floors of the building and the negotiations providing the construction elements and the skeleton of the building that comes into existence." |
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